EQAVET webinar: "Creating a quality culture in VET - Trends and developments in quality assurance for VET providers"

A webinar of the EQAVET network entitled: "Creating a quality culture in VET - Trends and developments in quality assurance for VET providers" was held online on 26.10.2023. On behalf of the European Commission, General Secretariat for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Mr. Koen Bois d' Enghien addressed a greeting, stressing that the webinar is part of the actions of the European Year of Skills and in particular takes place in the framework of the European Skills Week for Vocational Education and Training.
Οn behalf of the EQAVET Secretariat, the expert Mr. Keith Brumfitt, presented a general outline of the strategy and actions of the Network for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET). Mr. Ali Zaidi, then, presented the particularly interesting initial results from the survey conducted in 2022 at the national reference points of the network, aiming to record national trends and approaches to quality assurance in VET as well as to detect the extent to which the EQAVET quality framework is utilized.
During the main part of the webinar national approaches and recent activities regarding quality assurance in VET were presented from Latvia, Hungary and Greece. On behalf of EOPPEP, as Greeces' national reference point, Mr. Antonios Glaros, representative of the network, member of the EQAVET Steering Committee and Head of EOPPEP's Communication and Development Directorate, presented the Quality Assurance Methodology for Initial Vocational Training Study Programs, developed by EOPPEP in the context of the ERASMUS-EDU-2021-EQAVET-IBA Call and the Implementation Guide as well as the results from the piloting of the above Methodology in two public IVET Institutes (IEK).
The very interesting and highly focused presentations were followed by questions and answers, while the webinar concluded with a summary of the main points, underlining that, despite different national approaches, the EQAVET quality cycle is a common reference point for the development of quality assurance systems by member states.