EQAVET Peer Review meeting at EOPPEP

The two-day Peer Review Meeting organized and facilitated on May 4 and 5/5/2023 by EOPPEP, as National Reference Point of the European Network for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (ΕQAVET),within the framework of the approved project "Towards an Enhanced Post Covid VET-EPOS VET" by ERASMUS+ EQAVET NRPs 2021-2023", with the collaboration of the Network Secretariat and representatives of EQAVET National Reference Points from Luxembourg, Hungary, Germany, Slovenia and Croatia, was concluded.
The scope of the project ‘EPOS VET’, which is implemented with the support of the General Secretariat for Vocational Education, Training, Lifelong Learning and Youth of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, is the development of an integrated Quality Assurance Methodology for Initial Vocational Training Study Programs and the piloting in three innovative specialties that are expected to equip students with knowledge and skills in terms of the digital and green economy. During the meeting, the methodology was presented and reviewed by the partners of the National Reference Points and the Secretariat of EQAVET network.
The meeting was launched with welcome speech by the Secretary General of Vocational Education, Training, Lifelong Learning and Youth of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Mr. George Voutsinos, who referred to the implementation of the reform law 4763/2020 on upgrading and strengthening of Vocational Education and Training.
Mr. Voutsinos, after praising the cooperation of the General Secretariat with EOPPEP, in the presence of the Director of Communication and Development of EOPPEP, Mr. Antonios Glaros, underlined that one of the most important breakthroughs set by the new holistic reform for VET is the contribution and involvement of the Social Partners at all stages, from planning to implementation. The Secretary General, Mr. Voutsinos, stressed that "the Social Partners are the main actors in economic life, and therefore the most appropriate to transfer the real needs of the economy and labor in the field of education, translating them into programs and specialties".
EOPPEP, innovating in relation to the usual meeting procedures of the European network, hosted a Round Table meeting of the representatives of the Social Partners. Under the main topic "Reform in the governance of Vocational Education and Training and the contribution of Social Partners", a discussion coordinated by the Head of the Department of National Quality System of EOPPEP, Mr. Konstantinos Papaefstathioua and the representatives of the Social Partners' bodies fed the network with information from the labor market, useful for their integration into the development of the Methodology.
Concluding the two-day meeting, the European partners of the participating national EQAVET networks presented the results of the review of the Methodology and the Implementation Guide. EOPPEP, utilizing the relevant findings, continues the implementation of the approved proposal "Towards an Enhanced post-covid VET, EPOS VET", which is going to be completed in August 2023.
For more information, see, the published article on the EQAVET website here