EOPPEP participation at the 9th on-line Peer Review In Finland, 07-08 December 2022

The 9th and final for 2022, EQAVET Peer Review Meeting, organized by the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI), took place online on 07 and 08 of December 2022, coordinated and supported by EQAVET Secretariat. Representatives of the EQAVET national reference points from Austria, Croatia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Greece participated, with E.O.P.P.E.P. being the designated (law 4115/2013) national reference point of the network.
The main subject of the multifaceted discussions during the meeting was the quality assurance approach in the process of developing / updating the national qualifications requirements, in the context of EDUFI acitivities.
The main feature of the Finnish Peer Review was the possibility for direct discussion and interviewing of the stakeholders involved in the quality assurance process under development by the multinational peer reviewers group. Specifically, during the two-day event, several interview and discussion focus groups were organized comprising:
- experts of the National Agency for Education of Finland (EDUFI);
- representatives of VET providers;
- representatives of economy sectors, which are appointed to the respective Enterprise and Industry Committees;
- representatives of vocational education and training students.
During the two-day meeting, the different aspects of the proposed model of quality assurance, for the development and updating of national qualifications requirements, which is based on a broad participation of stakeholders in a process of data collection and evaluation (including self-assessment), were presented and thoroughly discussed.
Once again, acknowledging the contribution of the Greek delegation to the successful outcome of the works, following a unanimous decision of the multinational peer group, the representative of the Greek national network, Antonios Glaros, Head of the Directorate of Communication and Development of E.O.P.P.E.P., at the end of the meeting summarized and presented to the plenary the main points. It is a common belief that deepening in the different aspects of quality assurance constitutes the cornerstone for the design and implementation of quality VET, with a positive impact on the economy, the labour market and society overall.
For further information, please, see here