Participation of EOPPEP at the Peer Review Meeting in Bonn, 14-15 November 2022

Following the implementation of Peer Reviews held within the framework of the European EQAVET network, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung - BIBB), which is the National Reference Point (NRP) of Germany, hosted a meeting in Bonn on 14 and 15 November 2022.
The topic of the meeting was "Quality Assurance in Continuing Vocational Training: the cases of distance learning, federal continuing training regulations and the conditions for the implementation of programs funded by national resources".
At the meeting participated delegations of the national reference points of the European network EQAVET of Austria, Hungary, Lithuania and Chezch Republic while Greece participated via E.O.P.P.E.P., being the national reference point (Law 4115/2013) of the network.
During the two-day works, a wide range of quality assurance measures and policies concerning Continuing Vocational Training (CVET) at federal level Continuing Vocational Training . Discussions and fruitful exchange of views focused on three main axes:
- Quality assurance of distance learning programs, in the light of the relevant consumer protection legislation, in the context of distance learning (FernUSG).
- Continuing Training, at Federal level, in accordance with the Law on Vocational Training (BBiG) and the Code of Professional Craftsmen (HwO)[1].
- Quality assurance in Vocational Education and Training, in the case of programmes funded by national resources.
The host country's panel comprised high-ranking officials from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) as well as representatives of the national ZFU Certification Authority, the University of Applied Labour Studies, the German Institute for Adult Education and the accredited body TÜV.
The in-depth analysis and review aimed to highlight the strengths of the above policies but also their potential shortcomings and weaknesses. At the same time, proposals were submitted to further improve and increase their effectiveness, in the context of enhancing quality assurance in Continuing Vocational Training.
For further information, please, see at the following link:
[1] The 1969 BBiG regulatory framework (amended in 2005 and 2020) is the central law regulating Germany's dual VET system. HoW (Handwerksordnung), respectively, originally published in 1953 and amended in 1998, 2006 and 2022, is the federal legislation governing the operating framework of professional craftsmen as well as vocational education and training in the sector.