EQAVET Annual Network Meeting 2022 Paris, 9-10 June 2022

On 9 and 10 June 2022, the EQAVET Annual Meeting was held in person in Paris, after two years of on-line meetings, due to the pandemic, in which EOPPEP participated, as the designated (law 4115/2013) National Reference National Point. The meeting, which was organised and coordinated by the European Commission and the Secretariat of the EQAVET Network, was attended by representatives of National Reference Points (NRPs) from 24 member states as well as members of the European Commission, the European Training Foundation (ETF), CEDEFOP, representatives of the Social Partners and experts.
Green Transition and enhancement of Quality in every aspect of Vocational Education and Training
Based on the new EU guidelines for sustainable competitiveness, inclusive growth and active citizenship, Member States have been invited to report on progress in the implementation of the 2020 EU Council Recommendation on Vocational Education and Training and the Osnabrück Declaration.
At the same time, the ambitious goal of making the European continent the first with a neutral energy footprint by 2050, leads European policy to adopt "green" skills for Vocational Education and Training. At the same time, the "green transition" is accompanied by the enhancement of "transversal skills", such as basic STEM skills (Science Technology Engineering and Math) as well as "civic skills", such as environmental awareness. To this end, the European Commission has recently published a "European Sustainability Competence Framework" (GreenComp) https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC128040
Upgrading of the role of EOPPEP, as National Reference Point, in EQAVET
EOPPEP, as the EQAVET National Reference Point in Greece, significantly strengthened its presence at the annual meeting of the network, being one of the six NRP's that presented new national initiatives that are in line with the aims of EQAVET.
More specifically, Greece, through the representative of EOPPEP Mr. Glaros Antonios, Head of Communication and Development Division of EOPPEP, presented to the plenary the key points of an integrated Quality Assurance Framework to be implemented by Public IVET providers.
At the same time, Mr. Glaros Antonios was elected as one of the members of the EQAVET Steering Committee, for the years 2022-2024.
Other Important Presentations of National Reference Points
On behalf of the National Reference Points which participated in the annual meeting, apart from the presentation of Greece, the following important national initiatives were presented:
1. Croatia
Upgrading the tracking mechanism for VET graduates in the labour market, with the participation of increased number of VET providers.
2. France
Presentation of the Quality Certificate of VET providers, "Qualiopi", in correlation to the increased autonomy of the trainees, through the "Individual Training Account".
3. Germany
Ongoing research on the increase of involvement of Chambers and Employers' Organisations in the quality assurance process, in the context of the "dual system" of VET.
4. Hungary
Presentation of a quality assurance based management system of VET providers.
5. The Netherlands
The Netherlands has presented a pilot project to enhance the participation of learners/trainees in VET quality assurance process.
To download the detailed report of the Annual Network Meeting click here