TECHNICAL MEETING at E.O.P.P.E.P. in the context of the approved proposal “Towards an Enhanced Post - Covid VET, EPOS VET”

An initial hybrid Technical Meeting was held at E.O.P.P.E.P. premises, at the Library's multiplex, on 28.07.2022, with the aim of presenting and discussing the main points of the deliverable, "Development of Quality Assurance Methodology of Initial Vocational Training Programs" and the proposed pilot implementation in two (2) new / innovative specialties.
The above mentioned are integral part of the activities of Work Package 3, (WP 3): Development of a QA Methodology and Research on new/innovative IVET Programs, of the approved proposal "Towards an Enhanced Post -Covid VET, EPOS VET”, Call: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-EQAVET-IBA Project Nr: 101048314, which is implemented by E.O.P.P.E.P. as the designated National Reference Point (law 4115/2013) of EQAVET network, in the framework of the program “Erasmus + Programme 2021 - EQAVET - ERASMUS-EDU2021-EQAVET-IBA.” In the Technical Meeting participated members of the Management Team of Aegaleo Thematic (STEAM) DIEK and Glyfada Experimental DIEK , in which it is planned to pilot the above Methodology.
A new cycle of Technical Meetings is expected to follow, with more detailed presentation of the Methodology and broad stakeholder participation.