Publication of Survey of IVET graduates tracking in the labor market

The National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), in terms of the ERASMUS + Program "EQAVET NRPs 2019-2021" and as the appointed (law 4115 / 2013) National Reference Point (NRP) of the European Network for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training EQAVET, conducted a nationwide Survey to monitor the transition and progressios of Initial Vocational Education and Training Graduates in the Labor Market.
EOPPEP publihed an intetgrated Study, in 2021, concerning the results of the nationwide survey, which has been conducted during the period 2020-2021, in terms of "ERASMUS + ΚΑ3 Support for Policy Reform, European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training National Reference Points", through a structured electronic questionnaire. The Study included 50.000 IVET graduates and 1.000 employers. In this context, a comparison of the results with the initial, corresponding research, conducted during the period 2018-2019, within the Program "ERASMUS + 2017 Financial Support to European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training National Reference Points", has been included.
The purpose of the Survey of Tracking IVET Graduates in the Labor Market was twofold:
a) To encapsulate the perceptions and attitudes of IVET students, regarding Vocational Training, acquired knowledge, skills and competence, the relevance of training to employment, etc.
b) To record the attitudes, perceptions and degree of satisfaction, from the point of view of employers who have employed IVET graduates.
The importance of these large-scale research projects lies in the fact that they provide the necessary scientific documentation and data for the effective planning and further development and assurance of the quality and reliability of Vocational Education and Training, as an equal pillar of the Educational System.
The Study is available here