Trainers of Adults 2021 Certification Exams

Having implemented the 2021 National Certification Exams of Trainers of Adults, the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) has concluded a broad certification cycle of Trainers of Adults, in the midst of a very challenging timeframe, due to the pandemic.
Having implemented the 2021 National Certification Exams of Trainers of Adults, the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) has concluded a broad certification cycle of Trainers of Adults, in the midst of a very challenging timeframe, due to the pandemic.
The National Certification process has been implemented in 28 cities and 37 Certification Venues in the whole country and almost 6.000 participants enrolled. It is worth noticing that prior to the implementation of the exams, 10.000 applications and qualifications portfolios of prospective candidates were evaluated and 8.278 were deemed eligible to participate in the certification process.
The Board of EOPPEP wishes to express its compliments to the members of the Organising Committee, the delegates of the Scientific Committee, to the 521 individuals assessors and 178 class supervisors and also to the Principals and administration of Examination Venues, who supported in an exceptionally efficient manner the Certification process.
In the forthcoming period, EOPPEP will process the assessment of written essays of candidates and will announce the final results, comprising theoretical and practical part of the exams. Finally, successful candidates will be awarded an Adult “Teaching Competence” Certificate and will be registered to the Certified Trainers of Adults National Register.