Activities - Events
Information - Analysis
"Peer Review as a tool for quality assurance"
This study visit report was prepared by Mrs Concetta Fonzo as the result of the study visit on “Peer Review as a tool for quality assurance”, organized 10-11 May 2018, which focused on the peer review methodology adopted by the NRP for Eqavet in Italy. All the participants expressed their gratitude to the representatives of the Italian Eqavet NRP for providing valuable methodological informatio...
04 July 2018
Activities - Events
Concetta Fonzo
Study Visit to Bonn, Germany
The Study Visit was organised on 25-27 January 2017 by the German National Reference Point for Quality Assurance in VET (DEQA-VET) within the BIBB (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training). It provided an opportunity for participants to reflect on the commonalities and differences in the national systems for quality assuring work based learning. The purpose of the Study Visit wa...
06 March 2017
Activities - Events
Super User
Report - EQAVET Annual Meeting - Haarlem - The Netherlands
This EQAVET Annual Network Meeting was hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and CINOP (the EQAVET national reference point in The Netherlands). The EQAVET Annual Network Meeting is the policy and decision-making body of the Network which meets once a year. The meeting provides the strategic direction for the work of the EQAVET Network and responds to the needs of ...
01 July 2016
Activities - Events
Super user