Technical Meeting, EOPPEP, September 30 2020

EOPPEP implemented successfully a Technical Meeting, regarding IVET Graduates Tracking in the labour market, in terms of the “Action Grant EQAVET – European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training National Reference Points (EQAVET NRP 2019-2021)”.
EOPPEP implemented successfully a Technical Meeting, regarding IVET Graduates Tracking in the labour market, in terms of the “Action Grant EQAVET – European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training National Reference Points (EQAVET NRP 2019-2021)”.
At the meeting participated representatives of the Ministries of Education and Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, of the National Institute of Labour and Human Resources, of the Institute of Labour of the General Confederation of Workers of Greece, of the Small Enterprises Institute of the General Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants of Greece, of the Center for the development of Hellenic Trade and Entrepreneurship and the Man Power Organisation (OAED)
The Technical Meeting was an activity implemented by EOPPEP, as EQAVET National Reference Point, for Quality Assurance in VET (85% Erasmus+ funding and 15% national funding). The core business of the Meeting was IVET graduates tracking in the labour market and the level of sufficiency and satisfaction, on one hand, of IVET graduates, concerning their specialty and the integrity of Study Program, on the other hand, of employers, concerning the quality and level of skills offered. The ultimate goal of “EQAVET NRP 2019-2021” is to establish a permanent mechanism for IVET graduate’s tracking in the labour market.
During the exchange of opinion among the representatives of Social Partners, the common interest of all stakeholders for a more efficient linkage of VET to labour market needs was confirmed.
Concluding the meeting, EOPPEP CEO made the following statement: “In an global context where, on one hand, the mismatch between skills offer and demand in the labour market has led to a dramatic increase of youth unemployment rate, on the other hand, skills development, via the process of upskilling and reskilling, has become the spearhead of education and employment policies, we must endorse and fully support such activities.”